2009-06-20 14:23:41 UTC
Let's say I have a favorite jpeg image scaled down to 640 pixels wide.
This favorite image has a name "myimage.jpg"
But I cannot find the raw original, as it came off the camera.
I suspect I still have this image somewhere, probably with a name
like dscn_1492.jpg
But my home-rolled system of dated holding directories has failed me.
I can't find the original.
Is it possible to write a program (perhaps in bash and perl) that could
read something of the jpeg header of the scaled-down copy, and use that
as a search key for examining all the others?
for file in `find / -name "dscn*jpg"`
.....read $file's header, compare that to
specific header parts from the scaled down original
print $file break and exit if comparison is true...
....anybody know how to do this?
This favorite image has a name "myimage.jpg"
But I cannot find the raw original, as it came off the camera.
I suspect I still have this image somewhere, probably with a name
like dscn_1492.jpg
But my home-rolled system of dated holding directories has failed me.
I can't find the original.
Is it possible to write a program (perhaps in bash and perl) that could
read something of the jpeg header of the scaled-down copy, and use that
as a search key for examining all the others?
for file in `find / -name "dscn*jpg"`
.....read $file's header, compare that to
specific header parts from the scaled down original
print $file break and exit if comparison is true...
....anybody know how to do this?